My Pop's 75th Birthday Celebration
Story and Photography by Leslie Joy Ickowitz
It's not every day that you get to be a kid again. Especially at 75. But for my pop's milestone birthday, we skipped over to SeaWorld Orlando to hang with some sea lions, dolphins and whales.
A Sea of Trees
The fam: Leslie, Burt & Linda
There's extra magic at the theme parks at Christmas-time. Decorations and holiday themed shows add to the adventure. My father hadn't been to SeaWorld since I was about five years old and to see him look on all the action with the wonder of a child's eye was a sight to behold.
A'lure Call of the Ocean™
Then, in a very grown up move, he went hang gliding, courtesy of Quest Air Hang Gliding, Groveland, FL
Leslie Joy Ickowitz possesses a passionate spirit devoted to exploring possibilities and her unique perspectives have earned her the reputation as an authority on the lifestyle experience. An avid world traveler, Leslie understands that the meaning of life lies in the journey. With appreciation for the beauty that surrounds her, she seeks opportunities to make a difference in her community, inspires others to achieve their potential, to get VERTICAL…and to be part of something fabulous!