Original Art Collides with a Good Conscience at Creative Clay
It was way up high. Too high for me to reach and yet it jumped off the wall and grabbed me as I giggled with glee.
I saw two love birds sitting down among the flowers. Their feet were the cutest things ever. It wasn't until I read the label that I learned these "birds" are penguins and they are sitting on an iceberg.
$20? Whaaaaat? I must have it! And the tall, young man nearby was only too happy to take it down for me. I approached the Creative Clay cashier with the enthusiasm of a kid in a candy store who scored a treasure. And it was pure joy to purchase this sweet piece of art by "Sheryl L." Why? Because the mission of Creative Clay is to "Make the Arts Accessible to All" and in so doing, they provide educational, expressive and vocational opportunities in the arts for people with developmental, physical and emotional disabilities, while selling wonderful, exciting and often powerful works of art at prices the public can afford to scoop up.
So in summation, I got a cool, new piece of art, a good conscience for having supported Creative Clay and as a participant of Artworks, Sheryl L receives a profit from the sale of her work. $20 does go a long way. Wouldn't you say?
Leslie Joy Ickowitz possesses a passionate spirit devoted to exploring possibilities and her unique perspectives have earned her the reputation as an authority on the lifestyle experience. An avid world traveler, Leslie understands that the meaning of life lies in the journey. With appreciation for the beauty that surrounds her, she seeks opportunities to make a difference in her community, inspires others to achieve their potential, to get VERTICAL…and to be part of something fabulous!